
Assistant Vice President for 本科 Learning & 生物学教授
Buhl - 128A



Molecular evolution of iron transport proteins (especially, 转铁蛋白, DMT1, hemojuvelin; iron uptake in bacteria, especially ferric binding proteins; co-evolution of proteins


Bridge, computer games, reading (science fiction and mysteries), travel


1980年获得生物学学士学位后, 毕业于弗曼大学(皮毛man University), I studied Genetics at Indiana University-Bloomington (PhD 1985). 就在我交论文的两天之后, I drove to Pittsburgh to join the faculty at Chatham, where I have also served as department chair (生物学), 分部主席(自然科学), 副院长(学术事务), 项目主任(生物学硕士). 在2013日历年, I did a sabbatical at the Harvard University School of Public 健康, Department of Genetics and Complex Diseases. My research focuses on the evolution of the genes involved in iron transport and regulation using primarily a 生物信息学 approach (phylogenetics, 蛋白质建模, 等.) I have served as a panel reviewer for the NSF and NIH, as an external reviewer for several colleges, and as an ad hoc reviewer for a number of journals including BMC Genomics and the Journal of Molecular Evolution. Over the years I've offered over 20 different courses including genetics, 生物统计学, 生物信息学, 研究方法, 以及发育生物学. I've also had the pleasure of supervising 12 thesis students and over 65 undergraduate tutorial students. 我嫁给了博士. Michael Lambert of the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, and we have two children and two cats.

  • B.S. 生物学, 皮毛man University (Greenville, SC), 1980 (magna cum laude)
  • Ph.D., Indiana University (Bloomington, IN), 1985
  • NSF S-STEM Award DUE-1259577 ""Preparing Female Scholars for Careers in 生物学, 化学与生物化学," $625,701
  • NIH F33 Fellowship-National 研究 Service 奖 for Senior Fellows (2013 sabbatical at Harvard)
  • Project Bedrock Digital Scholar Mentor (HHMI-funded BioQuest initiative) 2002
  • NSF CCLI grant (co-PI) - The Fluorescence Spectrometer in the 本科 化学istry and 生物学 Curriculum (1999)
  • 1989 EDPRESS Award National Winner, best “How To Do It” article
  • Project Kaleidoscope, 教师 for the 21st Century, Class of 1995
  • NSF Supplementary Grant for Small College Investigators (1990)
  • Phi Beta Kappa(1980年)
  • Rhodes Scholarship District Finalist (1979)
  • NIH Responsible Conduct of 研究 Certificate (spring 2013)
  • Babacanec C, Lambert LA. 2008. “Bioinformatics Approach to the Identification of Potential Sites of Interaction between HFE and TFR2.” Poster presentation: Symposium on Metals in Biological Systems, 杜肯大学 , 2008年12月.
  • 威廉姆斯,KR,兰伯特洛杉矶. 2007. “Evolutionary Conservation of Parvovirus VP2 and Transferrin Receptor 1 Residues.” Poster presentation: ABASM Regional Conference, November 2007.
  • Haslego-Hilton K, Lambert LA. 2006. “Evolution of hepcidin: an antimicrobial peptide.” Poster presentation: ABASM Regional Conference, November 2006.
  • Perri H, Johnson M, Lambert LA. 2004. “Patterns of amino acid conservation in clostridial neurotoxins.” Poster presentation: ABASM Regional Conference, November 2004.